Indigenous peoples experience nature in a holistic modality that imbued with a sacred quality. Nature is revered as the primary source of life; it nourishes, supports and teaches humanity, the nature is the center of the universe.
All the life is regulated by a single and totalizing ´set of rules of conduct´.
Indigenous societies have a repertory of ecological Knowledge that is generally locally derived, and is collective and holistic.Indigenous Knowledge contains the nature of ecosystems and the ways that they can be effected, possitive or negative, over long periods of time.
These cognitive systems allow the sustinaible management of native lands and wildlife.Indigenous Knowledge keeps a detailed and encyclopedic information bas eof all living inhabitants, and the water and resource characteristics of native lands.
They view themselves as a part of the landscape mosaic spatially. They increase biological and genetic variation by maintaning habitat patchiness and heterogenety within their indigenous landscape mosaic.
The praxis
The livelihood of indigenous societies is dependent of the inmediate ecosystems that they inhabit. They are therefore forced to adopt survival mecanisms that guarantee an uninterrupted flow of goods,materials, and energy from ecosystems. The multiple source and resource gathering strategy of indigenous communities increases the carrying capacity of the land, moderating single source dependency effects, and stabilizing the dependability of ecosystem suppliance of basic needs.Indigenous communities integrate varied practices including agriculture, agro-forestry, hunting and gathering forest extraccion, fishing, the keeping of domesticated animal, and craft-making.Non-specialized production allows for maximum utilization of all available lanscapes.
The Axis
Describes the integrative relationship that links the cosmos, corpus, and the praxis of indigenous reality into a unifying matrix of cordinated elements.
How nature is seen by human groups trough a screen of beliefs and knowledge, and how their knowledge system is translated into the management natural resources.
The website you extracted this from is excellent but you didn't put a reference to